
Pastor Emeritus - Rev. David D. Tietje - Born and raised in New York State's Southern Tier, David Tietje experienced his first jaunt outside of our nation during the 1976 Bicentennial.  At that time, David was exploring his sense of "God's call" to ministry and mission in his life by spending the summer with a missionary in Colombia, SA.  Since that time David has had three additional international and cross-cultural mission experiences in Haiti, Belgium and Kenya which have served to remind him of God's deep love for all people of the world.  

A graduate of a small "central" school in rural Steuben County (there were 42 in his graduating class!!!); David has always felt comfortable ministering to communities both large and small.  Influenced by his family's strong Christian convictions, following high school, David enrolled in a Christian liberal arts college and then went straight to seminary graduating with his Masters of Divinity in 1985.

Ordained in Lancaster, PA in 1987, David's Christian heritage has deeply shaped him in positive and wonderful ways; yet at times, that same heritage deeply scarred David as he went through separation then divorced, and eventually sought to find his way back into church ministry following a time of healing after his divorce.  This experience of "brokenness" on life journey has caused David to warmly embrace all who come to the church for comfort, strength or faith. Throughout the past 28 years, David has found great joy in his role of father, always including his children in his journey of ministry and discovery.

One of the greatest blessings for David has been to find a home in the United Church of Christ, where he has been authorized as a Minister of the Word and Sacrament for over 20 years.  First called as Associate Minister of the First Congregational Church United Church of Christ in Bristol, Connecticut, David also served as pastor of Heidelberg United Church of Christ in Germansville, PA.  The rich history and diversity of the UCC has served as a wonderful catalyst for his personal spiritual growth.

On November 24, 2024, Pastor David led us in one final Worship Service as he entered Retirement. It was a bittersweet celebration of his Ministry among us. During this time of celebration, the title of Pastor Emeritus was bestowed upon him, our beloved pastor and friend.

Director of Music & Technology - Lee M. Shaull - Lee joined the staff of  St. John's in January 2001, and as of January 2025, has celebrated serving this faith community for 24 years.  He is a graduate of Red Lion Area Senior High School and received his post-secondary education at Lebanon Valley College, where he studied organ with Professor Suzanne Riehl.  Also a member of St. John’s UCC, Lee leads all aspects of the music program at St. John's while playing organ and piano during the weekly and special worship services. He also manages and leads the technology needs for the congregation’s online presence and worship experiences.

Director of Children’s Ministries - Liza Bacon

Pre-School Assistant - Trinda Gulley

Administrative Assistant - Wendy Tompkins

Custodian & Sexton - Mary Barshinger

Consistory President - Cheryl Vaclavik